
Salesianum is the official Journal of the Salesian Pontifical University, published quarterly. Founded in 1939, at the beginnging of Salesian Athenaeum in Turin, the journal has accompanied its research activities ever since, with a strong interdisciplinary character. Promoting a harmonious vision of knowledge, Salesianum is a qualified organ for scientific discussion, particularly in the fields of Philosophical and Theological disciplines.   Read more...

Salesianum, a Platform for Research

The world of academic journals is undergoing rapid change, spurred in part by the opportunities brought about by digital dissemination and the challenges it entails. In this context, managing an academic journal becomes a demanding task, requiring a balance between avoiding stagnation, and steering clear of reckless enthusiasm.

Figures of Conscience in Moral Theology

On Wednesday, November 27, at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, the 2024/3 monographic issue of Salesianum, dedicated to Figures of Conscience in Moral Theology, was presented.

The Gentle Light of Faith

On Monday, May 13, 2024, at the Ecclesia Mater Institute (Pontifical Lateran University), the monographic issue 2024/1 of Salesianum, entitled The Gentle Light of Faith: A Tribute to Joseph Ratzinger - Benedict XVI, was presented.