
Salesianum only reviews texts of scientific interest, consistent with the areas of the Journal, usually published no more than three years prior to the current year. The works reviewed must be of the first editions or of the reprints with substantial modifications.

The length of the review must be between 7,000 to 10,000 characters (including spaces).

Reviews can be written in Italian, English, French, Spanish, and German.

1. The author who sends a review to Salesianum guarantees that:

  • the review submitted is entirely unpublished and original by the author;

  • the review is not presented at the same time to other journals;

  • is aware of the journal’s Code of Ethics, which he/she undertakes to observe in its entirety;

  • there are no conflicts of interest or professional relationship with the author of the reviewed text, such as to influence the supported theses or the interpretations proposed;

  • if the review is accepted, the author will commit to publishing it in Salesianum;

  • knows and accepts the Copyright and Self-archiving Policy of Salesianum, and undertakes to respect it in full;

  • agrees that his/her review, if accepted, will be published in open access mode.

2. The review should present the structure and content of the work, highlighting the contribution it makes to the topic of study, discussing its theses and also expressing a detailed judgement on its value.

3. The text must be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and must have the following characteristics:

  • Word file in .doc or .docx format;

  • the version submitted should be considered definitive for the author, linguistically unimpeachable and in full compliance with the Guidelines for Authors;

  • the extension of the contribution is in accordance with what is indicated (7,000 – 10,000 characters including spaces);

  • the text must also contain the complete indication of the author’s academic position, his/her university affiliation, together with e-mail address.

4. The Editorial and Typographical Regulations to be followed are reported in tthe Guidelines for Authors. Reviews do not include footnotes. Any citations of the reviewed work should be placed between inverted commas « … », followed by the page number, in round brackets.

E.g. (p. 71), or (pp. 71-72).

5. For the composition of reviews, please follow this model:

Simona Langella – Maria Silvia Vaccarezza – Michel Croce (eds.), Virtù, legge e fioritura umana. Saggi in onore di Angelo Campodonico (= Filosofie 762), Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2022, 519 p., ISBN 978-88-5758-370-9.

Joseph Dunne, Back to the Rough Ground. ‘Phronesis’ and ‘Techne’ in Modern Philosophy and in Aristotle, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame IN – London 1993, xvi + 492 p., ISBN 978-02-6800-689-1.

[text of the review]

[name and surname of the author of the review, university affiliation, e-mail address]

Salesianum submits review proposals for evaluation by the Editorial Board, which will reply to the author within 30 days. The service is suspended in August.

The Editorial Board has the right to request corrections or changes that are binding for the publication of the review.

Publication times are set by the Editorial Board.

The proof-reading of the reviews is handled by the Editorial Board.

Once published, the author of the review will receive a PDF file of his/her contribution.

Salesianum publishes all reviews in open access mode.