Salesianum publishes previously unpublished studies of significant scientific relevance, that provide original contributions in the fields of study at the Salesian Pontifical University, with a special focus on Theological and Philosophical disciplines.
The articles are organized in two sections:
STUDIA (50,000 – 80,000 characters including spaces, footnotes and abstracts): articles that provide original scientific contributions in the areas of interest of the Journal.
COMMENTARIA (20,000 – 35,000 characters including spaces, footnotes and abstracts): short articles, presentation of relevant publications, debates, bibliographic reviews, conference chronicles.
Any discrepancies in extension will be assessed in detail by the Editorial Board.
Contributions can be written in Italian, English, French, Spanish, German.
1. The author who sends a contribution to Salesianum guarantees that:
the contribution sent is entirely unpublished and original by the author;
the study is not presented at the same time to other journals;
is aware of the Journal’s Code of Ethics, which he/she undertakes to observe in its entirety;
there are no conflicts of interest that could influence the supported theses or the interpretations proposed;
if the contribution is accepted, the author will commit to publishing it in Salesianum;
knows and accepts the Copyright and Self-archiving Policy of Salesianum, and undertakes to respect it in full, even after the contribution is published, respecting in particular the Journal’s embargo period.
2. The text must be sent to
Word file in .doc or .docx format;
the version submitted should be considered definitive for the author, linguistically unimpeachable and in full compliance with the Guidelines for Authors;
the extension of the contribution is in accordance with the corresponding section.
3. Together with the text, the author is requested to send:
An abstract (800 – 1,200 characters including spaces), written both in English and in the language of the contribution, including the title of the contribution in English;
A list of five keywords, written both in English and in the language of the contribution;
Full indication of the author’s academic position and university affiliation, together with e-mail address;
New contributors are requested to enclose a curriculum vitae and his own ORCID Code;
If your contribution uses non-standard fonts (eg. Greek or Hebrew), please do send the pertaining font.
1. The contributions sent are subjected to a preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board, to ascertain their actual scientific relevance and full correspondence to the characteristics requested by Salesianum.
2. The contributions judged suitable – intended for the Studia or Commentaria sections – are subsequently subjected to the Double-Blind Peer Review process, the outcome of which will be communicated within 90 days of submission. The Editorial Board will only admit to the referral process those contributions that fully comply with the indicated characteristics.
In case, the contribution is not accepted for the referral process, the author will be communicated within 30 days of submission.
3. The reviewers (referees) are chosen by the Editorial Board from among scholars of recognized competence, guaranteeing anonymity, autonomy of judgement and the absence of conflicts of interest, in accordance with what is indicated in the Code of Ethics of Salesianum.
4. The overall evaluation of the reviewers will be briefly communicated to the author of the text. It may conclude with the following results:
Publishable without particular observations, or with minimal corrections
Publishable under the condition of making changes explicitly requested by the reviewers are made
Not publishable as it does not conform to the standards of the Journal
5. The Editorial Board reserves the right to request any reduction in the extension of the contributions, or further modifications thereof, in accordance with the sections of the Journal to which the contributions are addressed.
The refereeing service is suspended during the month of August.
1. If the contribution has been approved for publication, the author is asked to prepare the final version (Accepted version), which must take into account the reviewers’ comments. In the case of binding observations for publication, the author can accompany the final text with short note, prepared on a separate file, which indicates the changes or additions made.
2. The publication time is set by the Editorial Board and is communicated approximately to the author, once the contribution has been approved. Closer to publication, the Editorial Board will send the author a draft of his/her contribution (digital version in PDF format), on which the author can indicate typos or small corrections to be made.
3. For contributions published in the Studia or Commentaria sections, the author will receive the PDF file of his contribution (Published version), together with a hard copy of the current issue. As indicated in the Self-archiving Policy of Salesianum, the final digital version (Published version) is granted for personal use only, unless the contribution is published in open access format.