On Wednesday, November 27, at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, the 2024/3 monographic issue of Salesianum, dedicated to Figures of Conscience in Moral Theology, was presented. The issue, structured as a map of the main positions on the subject, was curated by Prof. Marco Panero (UPS) and Prof. Arturo Bellocq (PUSC), who gathered contributions from well-known moral theologians, asking each of them to speak about a particular “figure” of conscience.
The project inevitably selects certain interpreters: “Wojciech Giertych reconstructs the Thomistic conception of conscience with ample documentation, while Antonio Donato explores the Alphonsian approach. Cataldo Zuccaro describes conscience in light of the transcendental paradigm, specifically addressing the so-called moral autonomy. Francesco Maceri outlines the traits of filial moral conscience, while Maurizio Chiodi presents a figure of conscience from a phenomenological-hermeneutic perspective. Lastly, Arturo Bellocq focuses on conscience within virtue ethics. The issue concludes with a summary by Marco Panero, highlighting key points of convergence and opportunities for dialectical dialogue among the various figures of conscience” (from the Editors’ Introduction).
The issue is complemented by an intellectual profile of Prof. Paolo Carlotti, prepared by his colleague Paolo Merlo, and a valuable bibliographic survey of recent volumes on conscience curated by Giacomo Maria Arrigo.
The issue can be purchased individually from LAS Publishing. [link: https://editricelas.it/salesianum/2201-alesianum-fascicolo-32024.html]
The presentation attracted numerous moral theologians, both in person and online, reflecting the keen interest in the subject. Professors Mons. Graziano Borgonovo (Undersecretary of the Dicastery for Evangelization), Maurizio Faggioni (Alfonsian Academy), and Renato De Moraes (Pontifical Salesian University) offered significant contributions.
Special gratitude goes to the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, particularly to the Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Prof. Giulio Maspero, for hosting the presentation of this issue of Salesianum. This event represents a tangible example of “building networks” among academic institutions, as the Holy Father has repeatedly encouraged.