
The content of Salesianum is currently indexed by the following agencies and research tools:

Atla Religion Database (Atla RDB)

AtlaSerials PLUS (Atlas PLUS)

Italian Articles of Academic Periodicals (AIDA, De Gruyter)

Italian Catalog of Periodicals (ACNP)


Index Religiosus (IR, Brepolis)

Index Theologicus (IxTheo, Tübingen)

International Philosophical Bibliography / Bibliographic Directory of Philosophy (IPB, Peeters)

L’Année philologique (Brepolis)

New Testament Abstracts (NTA, Boston College)

Journal “Theology” - Bibliographic Sheets (FTIS, Milan)

Salesianum is among the ANVUR scientific journals for Area 10 (Ancient Sciences, Philological-Literary and Historical-Artistic), Area 11 (Historical, Philosophical, Pedagogical, Psychological Sciences), and Area 12 (Legal Sciences).