The content of Salesianum is currently indexed by the following agencies and research tools:
Atla Religion Database (Atla RDB)
Italian Articles of Academic Periodicals (AIDA, De Gruyter)
Italian Catalog of Periodicals (ACNP)
Index Religiosus (IR, Brepolis)
Index Theologicus (IxTheo, Tübingen)
International Philosophical Bibliography / Bibliographic Directory of Philosophy (IPB, Peeters)
L’Année philologique (Brepolis)
New Testament Abstracts (NTA, Boston College)
Journal “Theology” - Bibliographic Sheets (FTIS, Milan)
Salesianum is among the ANVUR scientific journals for Area 10 (Ancient Sciences, Philological-Literary and Historical-Artistic), Area 11 (Historical, Philosophical, Pedagogical, Psychological Sciences), and Area 12 (Legal Sciences).