On Monday, May 13, 2024, at the Ecclesia Mater Institute (Pontifical Lateran University), the monographic issue 2024/1 of Salesianum, entitled The Gentle Light of Faith: A Tribute to Joseph Ratzinger - Benedict XVI, was presented.
The issue was curated by Professors Andrea Bozzolo and Francisco Sánchez Leyva from the Faculty of Theology at UPS, who gathered renowned experts on J. Ratzinger’s thought to delve into specific aspects of his research journey.
“The guiding theme of this issue, The Gentle Light of Faith, is the conviction that Christian faith has the power to illuminate the integral existence of every human being. [...] A ‘gentle’ light, like the one spoken of by Saint John Henry Newman, with whom Ratzinger shares deep intellectual resonances. A ‘lovable’ light, because its splendor emanates from the Love of God, which grants new eyes to those who welcome it to perceive reality” (from the Editors’ Introduction).
The issue is introduced by a tribute from Cardinal Kurt Koch (Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity), The Service of Reason to the Faith of the Church: An Introduction to the Theological Legacy of Joseph Ratzinger – Pope Benedict XVI, which provides an excellent introductory map to the thought of the great theologian and pontiff.
The issue can be purchased individually from the LAS Publishing House. [link: https://editricelas.it/salesianum/2198-salesianum-fascicolo-12024.html]
During the presentation, moderated by Michele Ferrari (Ecclesia Mater, PUL), Andrea Bozzolo (UPS), Cecilia Costa (Roma Tre University), and Paolo Asolan (PUL) spoke from various perspectives on the still highly relevant intellectual legacy of J. Ratzinger.
The initiative was made possible thanks to the efforts of Claudia Caneva, Dean of the Ecclesia Mater Institute and a member of the Editorial Board of Salesianum, who generously hosted the presentation in the new multimedia hall dedicated to Pope Francis.